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Downtown NYC 10009 East Village location
9 A.M. to 12 Midnight
Same day booking OK

"Steve O is one of the best massage therapists in NYC, serving the LGBTQ community and
their allies for more
than 20 years!"
New York Magazine

Incall rate
*$120 for 60 min
Outcall rate
$160 per hour
Venmo or cash preferred.
Convenient downtown, East Village location.

My name is Steven Orr of St.Orr Healing Arts and I am a bisexual, N.Y. S. licensed massage therapist specializing in high quality, full-body massage. You may call or text me from 9 A.M. to 12 Midnight at 212-777-7199 or email me at storr54@gmail.com.
Let me show you the world of healing, pain relief and sheer joy that my deep tissue and/or nurturing, relaxing massage can provide. Got pain? Work or life stress? I know how to relieve it and put your mind/body back in balance. I've been massaging people for more than 20 years. I love what I do and do what I love; massage, poetry and music.
Experience is the best teacher. And it separates the professionals from the underwear models and the men from the boys. Your time with me won't be rushed. Let my sensitive and strong hands renew, re-energize, release, or sedate you.
I'm trained at the Swedish Institute and I'm an expert in deep tissue, sports massage and/or more relaxing, nurturing or healing touch. I also have knowledge of Body Electric, sacred intimate and somatic bodywork and am happy to discuss those kinds of massage therapy with you in person when you come for your appointment.
For Incalls I'm located in a convenient East Village, downtown Manhattan location. My services also include personal training, and companion care.
If you book a massage with me, your personal hygiene is greatly appreciated. And please only book if you are a person of your word and can keep your word.
Throughout 2014 and 2015, I was proud to be an adjunct professor teaching massage at the New York College of Health Professions where I was also a clinical supervisor.
A former dancer, I've also been a Pilates and Zumba Gold group fitness instructor.
During our session, we can also explore facilitated stretching, postural re-education, injury treatment and prevention or core-based exercise. My solid, no BS training is the basis for my holistic approach to giving massage; from there, it's up to you how far we can go together.
If you are seeking an underwear model, call an underwear model. But if you are hungry for a real man's massage from a master with wise hands, years of experience and an open heart, call me.
I pledge to do whatever it takes to release you from your pain, stress and tension so that after our time together, you are renewed, relaxed and able to meet whatever challenges life might throw your way.
Some of my other skills include trigger point therapy, myofascial therapy, Tui na, meditation instruction, laugh meditation and "hug" therapy.
Massage is the oldest and most organic healing medicine in this infinite universe. It's my job, my hobby, my love, and my passion. Let me lay my hands on you.
Please contact me by phone or text from 9 A.M. to 12 Midnight at 212-777-7199. International callers please use WhatsApp to phone or text.
Ambient music and audio books for sale here;
*Note, the Pagan Moon one hour Bilateral Stimulation mix is best listened to with headphones so that you truly hear the bilateral pulse (great for anxiety and stress reduction). More tracks are also available.
In 2021 a song I co-wrote "Keeping Distance" was released. Please view here.

And more...
Back story
I love the arts; I am also a dancer, musician and composer. At the age of 19, I discovered the power of dance and movement during a semester abroad in Malaysia where I experienced Chinese Opera, Noh theater and Batik textile printing. Cut to a year later when I began a serious course of study in ballet, modern dance and jazz. At this time I was rolfed to improve the points on my feet. I've been a rock and roll band leader, a singing cocktail pianist, and in the midst of my performing career, I decided to become a licensed masseur by attending the Swedish Institute. For clips of me performing, visit https://www.youtube.com/user/stevenorr54
for poetry chrismcbeth.wordpress.com
for my novel "Comfort" comfortbysaintorr.wordpress.com
Miscellaneous (music, opinions, rants, and general life reflections)
As I continue to evolve in my own life, recovery, resurrection and creating joy are reoccurring themes which help me to stay off anti-depressants while continuing to work in this often wild and anarchistic world of freelance massage. Awareness and acceptance is the beginning of change and change is all we have.
Once upon a time, NEW YORK MAGAZINE named me
"1 of the 15 Best Massage Therapists in NYC." I also appeared on
CNN-FN's show "Just In Time" before 6 million viewers.
Omnamashivya=I worship the highest within myself! Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru!
There is no such thing as failure--there is only a big, beautiful learning curve and it's called life.
Discounts are available. Please inquire. Please contact me if you find any typos on this site, for I'm lousy proofreader. Thanks.
My Curriculum Vitae in a nutshell...
-20 plus years doing deep tissue, sports massage and nurturing, relaxing massage for men; and sometimes women.
-Five years experience providing hospice and palliative care massage privately and in the Family Care Center at Calvary Hospital in the Bronx, N.Y. If a masseur has a "shining moment" in terms of gigs-this was probably mine.
-Fitness instruction for cancer-survivor patients, and employees at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
-Fitness instruction and "stress relief" Zumba dance for parents at the Child-Life Center-9th floor, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.
-10 plus years teaching Pilates (certified by the Stott-Pilates (Canada), the Corp sisters (N.Y., N.Y.) and Zumba Gold certified.
Of Music
Music is the food of love; and next to health, muscle, dance, and sex, one of my life's most exquisite joys. I write, play keys, sing and have produced one CD "Ocean Visions" and a variety of tracks. To listen or purchase music or audiobooks of my writing, see https://saintorr.bandcamp.
Collaboration or exchange from other musicians or DJs is always welcome. I love old Progressive House for links to downloadable mixes see https://www.mixcloud.com/stevenorr54
I love what I do and do what I love. Most clients are heaven scent. Here and there we have the occasional terrorist attack. I offer full body massage from head to toe; and any specific questions on my sacred intimate work I'm happy to discuss in person. To avoid any misunderstanding I ask that you be responsible enough to communicate to me during our session any feelings or intentions you need to express. This prevents misunderstanding. Clarity of intentions makes for a rich session for both of us.
The bodywork I offer is a healing, joyful gift that we as consenting adults can enjoy. Whether therapeutic or sensual, it is a unique freedom, ours to enjoy. But with any freedom, comes responsibility. It's easy to forget that in many parts of the world, such freedom doesn't exist.
On a personal note in these Post-COVID times, I haven't seen this city (and my neighborhood) this rough since the 80's. That being said, every once in a while there is the occasional bad apple. I reserve the right to defend myself if attacked or played by any client. If you fuck with me we both may need medical attention, but you will be the one requiring the ICU. Every business has a percentage of loss and massage is no different. That being said, I still believe most men are good.
On a lighter note you've reached the happy ending. Thanks for my visiting my site and have a healthy, happy, beautiful year, stay strong and take lots of time away from your phone and the news. Believe me, it helps. And show yourself some love; get a massage.
Steve O.
site updated 3-24-22